A Brand New Year.

This is a short excerpt for you to stay motivated and positive.

Here it is a new year and we are almost into the month of February. I wanted to write this as an ode to the individuals whom are working, families, and those who continue to build success. This is for you.....stay motivated and positive.

It can be difficult even with minimal task such as wearing a mask (I know....I know) or remembering to pay your mortgage or rent on time. However, it must be done.

If you are reading this just know it is a brand new year and you should stay motivated and positive. The people of the world do not live their lives based on what you think......you don't either. Stay positive and motivated.

See you soon.....

Justin D. Howard in his Garden District home on January 2021.



Justin D. Howard

Reside in Garden District of Alexandria and continuing in my journey.